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What is Hooke’s Law in Physics

Hooke’s Law in Physics


Hooke’s Law states that the extension or compression of a spring is directly proportional to the force acting on it provided the elastic limit of the spring has not been exceeded.





  1. Joule:


It is the work done by a force of one Newton when the body is displaced one meter.


  1. Erg:


It is the work done by a force of one Dyne when the body is displaced one centimeter.


  1. Foot Pound (fT-lb):


It is the work done by a force of one pound when the body is displaced one foot.


  1. Force:


It is an agent that moves or tends to move or stops or tends to stop a body.


  1. Watt:


Watt is the unit of power that is equal to the quantity of 1 Joule work done 1 in 1 second.


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