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Khairudin Barbarossa By Aslam Rahi M.A

Khairudin Barbarossa

Khair ud Din Barbarossa was a Turkish admiral in the time of Sultan Sulaiman. He was born in the island of Lesbos. His bravery naval victories secured Usmaina dominance over the Mediterranean during the mid 16th century.

His real name was Khizar, Khayruddin was a honorary name that was given to him by Sultan Sulaiman the Turkish king. He was well known as ‘Barbarossa’ with in the entire Europe. This book of Aslam Rahi M.A described complete history and life story of this great and brave Muslim Navel admiral in Urdu language. To make the right decisions, the brain needs glucose. Baumeister says that even the wisest people can make the wrong choice when they are tired and when their glucose levels are low. If a decision has to be made late at night, then at least don’t do it on an empty stomach. Retailers have figured it out a long time ago: when a person gets to the checkout, his reserves of willpower are already undermined, and it is easier for him to succumb to temptation, especially to buy something sweet.

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