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Mohabbat Ho Gai Akhir Novel by Nokhez Anjum

Mohabbat Ho Gai Akhir Novel

This is one of the best piece of Mohabbat Ho Gai Akhir From the collection of or Written by Nokhez Anjum It have 07 (Seven Only) Pages.

How to take control of your time – Protect the time spent on the goal in the same way – add it to the calendar. If there is no goal in the calendar, it is just a dream, another desire that threatens not to come true. But if there is, you will have time to complete.
For those who believe that planning ahead is pointless, consider visiting your dentist. When he offers to come in a month, you agree and come. So you are protecting this time. And if you try for the teeth, you can try for the rest.

Don’t waste all your time fighting a routine. Track your habits, keep a to-do list, and keep your calendar in place to accomplish goals. Then life will move on.

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