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My Last Day at School/A Farewell Party Essay for 10th Class

My Last Day at School/A Farewell Party Essay


I shall remember my last day at school throughout my life. It was 2nd of March. We were bidden farewell by class IX. It was Sunday. We reached school at 3 P.M. The school hall was beautifully decorated for the farewell function.

The party began at 4 P.M. For about an hour we ate to our hearts content, gossiped and laughed very much. The farewell function started at 5 P.M. Mr. Salman, a student of class X, made a moving speech in which he mentioned our long and deep association with the school as well as the class.

He wished us every success in future. After this speech, I, on behalf of my class, thanked the host. In my speech, I lauded the good arrangements, made by the host and accepted their good wishes for all of us. I was feeling sad because of the separation from my old and august institution in whose lap I got education.

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For me, it was not merely a School, but it was a cradle of culture and civilization. In the end, the Headmaster made an impassioned speech in which he appealed us to build our mind and character on sound lines.

He advised us to adhere to the glorious traditions of this institution. After his encouraging speech, the function came to an end. We left our school with heavy hearts casting our last looks at this great institution.



6. Process and analyze Only a few have excellent photographic memory. If you can’t brag about it, over time you will forget most of what you read. Therefore, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning Learning again is a natural and necessary part of any learning. Writer and business coach Ramit Sethi recommends an interesting technique: every 4-6 weeks, he sets aside 40 minutes to revise his notes and annotations for books and articles. It does not matter when the note was made: a month, a year, or three years ago, Ramit chooses those notes that fit the topic with what he is currently working on. Books cannot remind of themselves. Therefore, you have to remind yourself on your own what knowledge you need to refresh, plunging into a new topic.

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