Why is it Necessary for Plants to Disperse their Seeds

Transfer of seeds and fruits from their parents is called their dispersal. It reduce the competition for light, water, space and other nutrients between members of species


True, all those who were thirsty were immediately besieged by the obligation to fulfill one condition: to connect to the company’s service and download books only through a smartphone (any). Without it, the book simply won’t work. And it will be impossible to reflash it! Great idea, actually. You pay pennies for the device, but at the same time you get hooked on constant payments. After all, you need to read something! As a result, the book came out, however, it cost instead of the promised 10. And since the Beagle was only cheaper than the same universal Kindle in Europe, only a hundred people decided to buy it. Not much. The company hastened to discontinue the release of the baby.

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