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Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2014 Pak Study Group II

Past Papers of 9th Class 2014 Pak Study

Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2013 Pak Study

In fact, it is not the pure technology that determines the success of the integration of the tablet but the use we make of it.

The strengths of certain school tablets, such as Idruide’s NovaPadĀ® for example, are the possibilities of centrally managing “student” tablets with a “master” tablet, which allows instant document sharing, the opening of a digital book on the right page, group creation, while keeping control.

It is these possibilities of class management which are a challenge for the teacher, but which bring significant potential for innovation so that the use of the tablet is efficient and bears results.

The tablet must improve pedagogy, not revolutionize it

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