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Selinus University of Science and Literature London UK

Selinus University of Science and Literature London UK


Our university is a free and private institution. It is legally registered as an IBC in the Commonwealth of Dominica and Italy as a permanent establishment. It is an independent international university dedicated exclusively to online and distance learning: in other words, an open university for adults who take their institutional work seriously.

Our adult students work very hard to earn their degree. This university is not and never has been a graduation factory and we will reject such applications immediately. Our main goal has always been to offer our adult students the highest quality education. The degrees awarded by Selinus University are internationally recognized by the private sector and recognized by multinational companies.

We never tire of explaining the current accreditation system, especially for US students. Accreditation in the US is voluntary and non-governmental. Schools request evaluation and/or evaluation of their programs from an independent accrediting agency. The agency sets its own standards that a school must meet in order to be accredited, and because accrediting agencies vary in their quality standards, some are considered more prestigious than others.

Just as there are recognized accreditation agencies, there are also unrecognized agencies. There are many reasons why an agency may not be recognized. For example, an agency may be working towards recognition by the Department or CHEA, or it may not meet the criteria for recognition by either organization. Whatever the reason, it is important to keep this in mind when researching college information.

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It would be helpful if you look at unrecognized accrediting agencies with caution until you can assess their reputation.

For this reason, only professionally formed students are admitted to our university. Our students use the diploma not to find a job, but to legitimize their professional role, which is already being successfully used. With a degree from a university, Selinus earns respect, respect, and prestige, and often improves his social position and job.

Selinus University distance courses consist of studying assigned textbooks and preparing Textbook Reading Reports in accordance with the guidelines established by Selinus and the Pedagogical University, which can be found in the Pedagogy link of the Selinus University website.

Adult students can enroll in the APEL (Advanced Experiential Learning Accreditation) program. This program is for professionals, entrepreneurs, managers, officials, writers, artists, etc. With a high school diploma, at least 25 years of age and 3 years of activity demonstrated in the study, they have chosen the industry. It takes 30 years to complete a Ph.D.

The Selinus University of Sciences and Letters curriculum is tailored to each student and is based on “learning modules” consisting of texts, handouts and lectures, video courses and e-books. Examinations are replaced by a short learning report (Examination Unit), developed in the form of a mini-dissertation.

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In accordance with the academic discipline, educational materials have been selected and selected that encourage critical thinking and the practical application of the acquired knowledge. The pedagogical method is applied to help students, adults, often busy with work and family, to think critically and refer to recommended books and video lessons competently, on the one hand, by increasing their intellectual abilities and the ability to develop integrated written projects.

A non-coercive educational system that encourages the student, followed by his advisor, to freely design a specific program of study based on personal acquisitions in order to meet his time and achieve his goals. At Selinus University, the student has no obligation to study immediately or until certain dates. He can read her texts and watch each video lesson many times, discovering his own personal teaching method. Moreover, he can consult his student advisor at any time for help, clarification and support.

What is assessed for the purposes of the curriculum is not simply learned information, because the evolution of a student’s thought beyond a mere representation of a conceptual subject must be, first of all, the strength of the value of conscience and the realization that learning is not simple. processing more or less useful concepts as a model that can be effectively used for their social needs, human and civil.

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In short, Selinus University’s pedagogical model is to “bring” the student’s real-world experience into an educational context useful for improving their intellectual abilities and global self-assessment of their potential skills.

Recognition of credits from Selinus University is given partly by “reading” the student’s professional critics and partly by evaluating a report completed by the student, which replaces traditional examinations.

Selinus University of Science and Literature Degrees / Programs

Let’s take a look some of the degrees offered by the university.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in International Law
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Management
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Public Health
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Natural Health Sciences

Selinus University of Science and Literature Address:

71-75 Shelton Street WC2H 9JQ London , England , UK

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Selinus University of Science and Literature Admissions:

information will be update soon….

Source: uniselinus.education

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