BA English Notes Take Pity Short Story by Bernard Malamud

BA English Notes Take Pity Short Story by Bernard Malamud

Take Pity is a story taken from the BA English Book “Short Stories”. Take Pity short story is written by Bernard Malamud.

Here you can readย its most important questions and the answers of those question for the best preparation of BA English.

Read Take Pity Notes

If want to readย complete notes for Short Stories BA English.

Than you can read this postย BA English (Short Stories) Complete Notes.


But reading is a strain on the eyes. And even the most modern electronic displays tire your eyes faster than traditional books. The night mode and the ability to adjust the backlight do not help. In this regard, electronic ink is good, but even they are far from perfect There are certain psychological barriers associated with reading e-books. We are accustomed to reading fluently from the screen – the gaze jumps from line to line, searches for the most important, skips entire paragraphs. Therefore, when you open the reading room, it is difficult to quickly rebuild, attention is scattered. Reading a printed book is always more thoughtful and measured. 5. Write down and revise Reading comprehension is key and shouldn’t stop once you’ve finished reading the book.

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