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Tarbiyat Awlad By Mawlana Mohammad Ashraf Ali Thanwi

Tarbiyat Awlad By Mawlana Mohammad Ashraf Ali Thanwi

“Tarbiyat Awlaad” written by Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanwi. An Islamic Urdu book on the enrichment of children in the light of Quran and Sunnah. A guide line for all Muslims’ parents to prepare their children for the future.


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Why you shouldn’t do
First, studying in medicine is a difficult process . In the early years of study, students are bombarded with a huge amount of information that you need to know. And most often these are useless disciplines for a doctor: political science, philosophy, economics, etc. And special disciplines begin only from the 3rd course.
Studying takes too long . In the morning, the student should sit in the classroom, and in the evening study the material and do his homework. And if couples last from morning to evening, then the student is forced to teach and do homework at night. Therefore, medical students are often sleepy.

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