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The University of Law Business School Online England UK

The University of Law Business School Online England UK


The University of Law Business School Online: With such a close relationship between law and business, it makes sense that a specialist in legal education has what it takes to build a great business school.

With an emphasis on hands-on learning, the University of Law School of Business aims to make students employable and ready for success in the workplace. We take pride in creating the right learning environment for you to achieve your business aspirations.

Many of the Law University’s business programs are accredited by the prestigious Chartered Management Institute (CMI), and upon successful completion, students will receive a CMI diploma in addition to their degree.

Students in accredited programs will also receive free CMI membership for the duration of their course and for one year after completion. Benefits include access to the UK’s largest management library, access to an online resource portal, hiring manager advice and access to CMI’s online mentoring community.

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Our employment team will provide you with personalized advice on how to successfully network with major UK recruiters such as IBM, Lloyds of London and Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) whom you will meet at events, seminars and visits. organizations, allowing you to see first-hand how businesses work in the real world.

Our track record and experience as a Law University has allowed us to establish worldwide connections in the legal and business sectors and it is through these connections that we understand how vital it is to be able to connect with potential employers when you are starting out. your career.

That’s why we’ve built strong global relationships with businesses and employers to provide great networking opportunities.

The postgraduate programs at the Law University School of Business are taught at our London Bloomsburycampus, located in the heart of the capital’s commercial center and in one of London’s busiest areas.

Our courses
The Law University Business School offers a range of postgraduate programs across the UK, including:
Master in Strategic Business Management
Master in Leadership and Human Resource Management
Master in International Marketing
Master in Corporate Financial Management
Master in Global Accounting
We also offer Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses that have been designed for professionals in any discipline who are looking to advance in their current position or move up the career ladder to advance into senior management and leadership positions.

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We offer two programs that allow you to specialize in international law or business.

MBA Entrepreneurship
MBA International Law

The University of Law Business School Online Degrees / Programs

Let’s take a look some of the degrees offered by the university.

Master in Human Resources with Labor Law
Master in Corporate Governance with Corporate Law
Master in Strategic Business Management Online with Year of Placement
Master in Corporate Financial Management Online with Year of Placement
Master in Project Management Online with Year of Placement

The University of Law Business School Online Address:

Store St, Fitzrovia, WC1E 7DE London , England , UK


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Source: law.ac.uk

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