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Theme of the story The Fly by Katherine Mansfield

Theme of the Story The Fly


No doubt, this is quite established fact that the story “The Fly” is about the conquest of time over grief. This is the first theme of the story.


To show that time conquers grief the writer presents two characters, Mr. Woodifield and his ex-boss. Both of them lost their only sons six years ago. It was a long period and it had healed up their grief.


First, the writer tells us about the state of grief of Mr. Woodifield. He talks about his son and his grave, but does not feel any pang of grief. This clearly shows that the time has made him forget his grief.


Then the writer talks about the state of grief of the boss. The Boss believed that time would not make any difference to his grief. Now his present state of grief is different. After the departure of old Woodifield, he sits in the chair. He wants to feel the same pang of grief that he used to feel.

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He wants to feel the pang of grief. As a last try, he decides to get up and have a look at his son’s photograph. However, a fly in the inkpot attracts his attention and he forgets about his son and the grief in a moment. He starts dropping drops of ink on the fly to enjoy its struggle. After the death of the fly, he tries to remember what he was thinking, but cannot. This clearly shows that time has conquered his grief.


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