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University of Edinburgh Business School Scotland UK

University of Edinburgh Business School Scotland UK


The University of Edinburgh Business School, located in the heart of a university with 400 years of experience, consistently ranked as one of the best in the world. The University of Edinburgh Business School has a long and established tradition of research excellence dating back to 1919 when we introduced the first Bachelors of Commerce. The school offers undergraduate, graduate and higher education programs in business and management and provides a platform for research.

University of Edinburgh Business School Mission:

As one of the leading business schools in Europe, the School has an international student body representing over 80 countries and attracts new ideas from different cultures and cultures. Our global alumni network spans over 120 countries, allowing you to have access to numerous contacts around the world.

We are committed to conducting theoretical and practical research aimed at solving problems faced by businesses, public organizations, regulators and politicians. The School aims to create a supportive, collaborative and vibrant research culture by improving the quality of our research outputs and helping faculty meet our goals.

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The business school offers carefully designed programs for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Among our master’s degrees, we offer a range of options, ranging from the more general, such as the Master of Management, to more specialized subjects, such as finance and climate change investment. In addition, over the past few years we have developed master’s degrees in subject areas that have grown in demand, from human resource management, entrepreneurship and innovation to business intelligence.

This state-of-the-art building contains lecture theatres, several syndicate rooms, an executive office, a coffee shop and ample space for students and staff. Students also have access to the Hub, which provides comprehensive alt=” learning opportunities and access to research databases, online journals, and leading financial information services. In addition, students have access to the full range of resources available at the university, including main library.

Producing responsible leaders by creating insightful knowledge and inspiring minds.

To be recognized by a progressive and connected community of thought leaders in the international business scene.

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University of Edinburgh Business School Degrees / Programs:

Let’s take a look some of the degrees offered by the university.

Master in Banking and Risk
Master in Business Analytics And MBA
Master in Accounting and Finance
Master in Global Strategy and Sustainability
Master in International Human Resource Management
Master in Management
Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Master in Human Resource Management
Master in Finance
Master in Finance, Technology and Politics
Master in Finance and Investment in Climate Change

University of Edinburgh Business School Address:

29 Buccleuch Pl, Edinburgh EH8 9JS, Scotland, UK

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University of Edinburgh Business School Website:

Want to Read or Visit the Official Site Click Here.

University of Edinburgh Business School Admissions:

information will be update soon….

Source: business-school.ed.ac.uk

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