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What is the Function of Food

Function of Food


All organism need food for energy. Food fulfills the needs of organisms in following ways:


  1. i) Food provides substances, which are necessary for growth.


  1. ii) Food produces energy.


iii) Food provides some substances, which are necessary in, synthesize our enzymes.


  1. iv) Food provides some substances, which are necessary to repair the damaged tissues.


  1. v) Food helps to complete all basic process including reproduction.


Like owners, long-term lenders are concerned with the longer term prospects of the business. They are interested in likely future risks and rewards, and in the efficiency of management. 4. Suppliers of goods and services.Suppliers of goods and services need to ensure that a business is able to pay for the goods and services provided. They will, therefore, be concerned with the liquidity of a business. It is quite common to find that some suppliers provide a business with a substantial and continuous flow of goods and services

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