What is TOEFL exam & good TOEFL score?
Why is the TOEFL exam necessary?
TOEFL (short for Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized English language test that assesses candidates’ ability to understand English as well as to use English in writing and speaking. In fact, this is a test that determines the general level of language proficiency at the academic level.

Who and where accepts TOEFL?
The test is accepted by about 9,000 English-speaking higher education institutions (including the TOP 100 best universities in the world) in 135 countries around the world, including the USA, Canada and Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia. To take the TOEFL preparatory courses abroad and pass the test is necessary for candidates who aim to study abroad, obtain a work permit, various government agencies and participate in various programs abroad.
There are three options for taking the English TOEFL exam: paper-based (TOEFL pBT), computer-based (cBT) and online (TOEFL iBT). The written format is now found only in regions where there is no access to the Internet (for example, Afghanistan), the computer version of the change is also not practiced. In 2005, a new test format was introduced in the USA for the first time – Internet-Based (via the Internet).
The TOEFL test consists of four sections:
TOEFL Reading assesses the ability of candidates to understand English-language texts of an academic nature (lectures, excerpts from textbooks, etc.) and determine the main idea of โโthe passage read.
TOEFL Listening tests the ability to understand everyday conversational speech, as well as lecture sessions with discussion.
TOEFL Speaking involves answering six questions. The answer is dictated to the microphone. This part of the test evaluates the speaking skills of candidates.
TOEFL Writing involves writing two essays. Here it is necessary to demonstrate the ability to logically build a narrative, formulate an idea and correctly substantiate one’s position.
TOEFL exam scoring system.
The maximum score that can be obtained for the test is 120, and sections are evaluated on a scale from 0 to 30. After ten days, the result of the test is sent to e-mail. And within a month or two, candidates receive a TOEFL certificate, which is valid for two years.
Preparatory courses abroad are also possible, for example, in the USA at colleges and universities with preparation for TOEFL and automatic enrollment in colleges and universities. The cost of such training is from $ 500 per month. Parallel internship in the specialty is possible.