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Write a Letter to your Father Requesting him to Send you some extra Funds for payment of Hostel Dues

Examination Hall,

City A. B. C

May 8, 2017

Dear Father,


Everyone at home will be glad to know that our school is going to be closed for the summer vacation on 1oth of May. But before leaving the school, I must clear all of my boarding house dues as well as school fee for two months. Further, I have to buy some books and a pair of shoes too. I need five thousand rupee to meet my expenses.

I know, it’s very difficult for you to send such a huge amount but these are inevitable expenses which cannot be avoided. So I request you to send the said amount as early as possible.


Yours affectionately,




How beautiful to write?

Some people have a beautiful speech and a rich vocabulary. Such, as a rule, are more likely to learn how to write beautiful essays, articles, stories.

Not every person knows how to write beautiful texts . You need to understand that this is not given by nature. You need to learn the art of writing and constantly replenish your knowledge in this area.

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16.The correct word order in a sentence will play into your hands.

17. Do not forget also about the division into paragraphs.

18. If you write in an artistic style, then you should not start sentences with allied words, but end with pronouns .

19. Phrases inserted into the text must correspond to the situation.

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