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10th Matric Class Islamiyat Guess Paper 2022 Lahore Board

10th Matric Class Islamiyat Guess Lahore Board


Surat ul mumtahna ayt # 1 ta 10

Surat ul ahzab ayt # 1 to 20 or 30 to 35

Question from exercise


  • 6,9,8,10,12,19,20

Short Quetions

  • ka lia suraton ke exercise or hamdard objective book.

Long questions

  • khutba huja tul alwada, haqooq ul ebad, jehad ke eksam,fazyl,or ahmia,hjrat ka fazyl,aile zindi,olad ka haqoq

Islamiat Elective/Ikhtiari Guess Papers

Logistics Support

The development of the education system is impossible without the material and technical base meeting modern requirements, the latest educational technologies being implemented, and innovative programs being implemented.

Constant purchase of the latest domestic and foreign equipment samples is necessary for educational institutions, including for training future specialists in information, control and telecommunication systems, and conducting full-scale research work at universities with the involvement of students. Regular repairs and construction of educational institutions and their infrastructure based on modern requirements are required.

It is necessary to establish in the estimates of income and expenses the minimum cost of educational institutions for these purposes – depending on the complexity of the tasks performed, the volume of educational and research work.

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It is necessary in the Federal Law “On Education”: to restore article 44 “Material and technical base of an educational institution”, taking into account the latest tasks of the development of education; to expand and specify Article 43 “Rights of an educational institution to use financial and material resources”, including with respect to intellectual property, land plots, lease of property, operation of buildings that are cultural heritage.




Hunting can be classified as labor if prey is more important, but it can be called leisure if the process that gives pleasure even in the absence of prey is more important. This conditional division shows that the negative utility of labor is based on two arguments:

the success of the final result is not guaranteed, so the person either cannot calculate the probability of success or considers this probability insignificant;
when working, a person is forced to postpone the satisfaction of his preferences until better times.
Each person constantly makes a decision: to devote time and other resources to the present or the future. If a person cannot eliminate the negative utility of labor, then he will be less inclined to spend time, resources and effort to trade current pleasure for dubious future preferences. Work or study requires a person to give up some of their preferences in the present.

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A mismatch between skill and the desired target system is guaranteed to lead to failure.
It is important to find satisfaction in the work itself, that is, in the very process of work, to be in the “flow”.

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