Best Universities in Chicago

Best Universities in Chicago

Best Universities in Chicago

Chicago is the financial and educational center of the United States, the cultural and economic capital of the Southwest. Impregnated with an unusually stylish atmosphere and decorated with special architecture, it is known not only for parks and beaches, but also for educational institutions. Institutes of Chicago, and there are about 60 of them, teaches tens of thousands of students, a significant part of which are applicants from other countries.
List of university colleges of Chicago
chicago institutes
The choice of foreign students falls on this American city not by chance. They are attracted not only by receiving a prestigious education, but also by the unique opportunity to enjoy life in one of the most beautiful cities in the world and attend unique cultural events that take place quite often in this city.

Best Universities in Chicago

The list of college universities in Chicago is huge, but the most popular include:

Chicago Institute;

Illinois Institute at Chicago;

City Colleges of Chicago;

Illinois Institute of Technology;

Loyola University of Chicago;

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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Each of them has its own characteristics of admission and training, specializes in various professional areas.
Chicago Institute
This is one of the largest universities in Chicago – a research base, which is famous for programs in the field of law and medicine. It produces future leaders in business, economics, inventors in the field of chemistry, physics and computer science.

The University of Chicago has undergraduate and graduate courses, and during the summer, this institution of higher learning caters to both current students and minors, teachers, and more.

Every year the doors of the University of Chicago are opened for applicants. According to statistics, almost a quarter of the student community come to study from around the world. For admission you need:

enrollment application;

application fee;

official report on school performance: certificate and transcript of grades in the original and translated into English;

two letters of recommendation with references from teachers in specialized subjects;

final test results;

English language proficiency certificates.

Additionally, you can immediately write an application for financial assistance, and applicants entering individual faculties can be provided with a video with creative research success.

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Tuition is $57,642.
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University of Illinois at Chicago
The internationally renowned research institute welcomes talented international students. Here, at the College of Chicago at UIC, you can get a diploma with a bachelor’s degree, and after graduating from high school – a master’s degree.

The Institute is famous for its numerous scientific bases where it is possible to conduct research in the field of:

urban studies;


social work;


public health.

Requirements for international applicants are similar to the Institute of Chicago. It is important to submit your application on time, pay the application fee and provide proof of excellent academic performance and knowledge of the English language.
Illinois Institute of Technology
The only technological university in Chicago, one of the top educational institutions in the United States. Offers innovative study programs in the following departments:

engineering in the field of aerospace engineering, architectural design, biomedicine, cybersecurity and civil engineering;

applied technology – with faculties: industrial technologies and management, information technologies;

business – economics, entrepreneurship, socio-economic development policy;

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humanities – history, literature and other departments.

There are more than 40 undergraduate programs at Chicago Institute of Technology colleges. In addition, there are accelerated master’s courses that allow you to complete 2 degrees in just 5 years. The tuition fee is $48,670.

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Loyola University
In the list of Chicago universities, Loyola is renowned for its commitment to environmental issues and its religious focus. Students of this university live on a beautiful campus in the very center of the metropolis, lead an active student life during and outside of school.

According to statistics, students come from 82 countries to grow and study here. It does not matter the religion and ethnic roots of the applicant, they all have a unique opportunity to receive an excellent education. This University of Chicago is attractive. To enter, you must:


send a certificate and a transcript with grades;

prove the level of English language proficiency;

provide proof of financial solvency – the possibility of paying for tuition.

The tuition fee per semester is $23,200.

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