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How to get rid of wrinkles on forehead naturally



How to get rid of wrinkles on forehead naturally

Baby, don’t frown – otherwise there will be wrinkles ! Familiar phrase? And most importantly – absolutely true. And if wrinkles are not expressed on young skin, then with age they become more and more noticeable and deeper.

What are the causes of wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows?

If you are only 20 years old, do not think that you are completely immune to wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows. They can appear even on young skin, because the main factor in their formation is the features of facial expressions.

Fighting wrinkles is very difficult – and therefore it is necessary to make every effort to prevent their very appearance. Find out the main causes of wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows!

Reason #1. Constant stress

Science has long proven the link between psychological balance and skin health. Nervous and depressed, you cause irreparable harm to your face.

What to do? Relax and try to look at some things easier.

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Reason number 2. Wrong skin care

Summer make-up without sunscreen ? Aggressive cleaners? Lack of moisture? Sooner or later, improper care will make itself felt.

What does “proper” care mean?

Take note:

  • Provide your skin with the necessary level of daily hydration. Moisturizing creams do an excellent job . Pay attention to the composition: you need ceramides, hyaluronic acid , aloe or other deeply moisturizing ingredients.
  • Do not use products with aggressive cleaning ingredients. Choose soft, delicate formulas (for example, based on glycolic or lactic acids). Carry out the cleansing procedure several times a week – this will be enough to remove the dead skin layers.

Reason number 3. Excessive facial expressions

The habit of expressing emotions through facial expressions leads to the formation of wrinkles in the forehead and bridge of the nose.

Reason number 4. Aging

Unfortunately, this is inevitable. Already by about 30 years, the level of production of elastin and collagen fibers by the body decreases. And the less collagen, the more wrinkles appear on the skin.

What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles are distinguished in the forehead area:

Horizontal, manifested in the form of transverse lines stretching along the forehead. Often observed in people who wrinkle their nose (for example, raising their eyebrows).
Vertical, formed above the bridge of the nose in the form of lines.

How to get rid of horizontal and vertical wrinkles?

  • 5 minutes a day: forehead exercises
    Regularly performing a set of exercises for the forehead will help keep the skin in good shape, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Take note of a few effective tricks:
  • Frowning-surprised : take a sitting position, rest your elbows on a hard surface – for example, a table. Lock your index fingers in the middle of the eyebrow. Alternate emotions – first make a surprised expression on your face, and then frown. Repeat 10 times. The exercise is aimed at eliminating horizontal wrinkles.
  • To the bridge of the nose : smoothly bring the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose, then lift and spread apart in different directions. Do 5-10 sets.
  • To the temples : bring the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose, while gently stretching them with your fingers to the temples. Do 5-10 sets.
  • Gymnastics for the forehead strengthens the muscular frame, prolonging the youthfulness of the skin. The main rule is the regularity of the exercises.

forhead exercise

  • Anti-aging forehead massage improves blood circulation, maintains skin tone and elasticity. It is performed with precise, light movements.
  • When conducting a massage, it is necessary to observe the ritual of preparation. First – clean the skin of dust, dirt, cosmetic residues. Use a soft scrub or peeling roll.

Gua Sha massage

Let’s get acquainted with another anti-aging massage technique invented in China more than 5 thousand years ago. It was performed with a scraper made of jade or carnelian.

Preparation for the procedure requires a deep cleansing of the face and the application of a thick layer of oily cream. One hand is placed along the hairline, gently pulling the skin up. A scraper is taken into the other, first performing horizontal movements with it (from the middle of the forehead to the temples), and then vertical ones (from the eyebrows to the roots of the hair).

Movements should be smooth, with strong pressure. Guasha causes quite painful sensations, but its effectiveness exceeds possible expectations.

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Fashion & Beauty

How to overcome dandruff



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Dandruff causes a lot of inconvenience and looks very ugly. We will trying to explain How to overcome dandruff or  deal with it effectively.

What is dandruff

According to scientific treatises, dandruff is a syndrome characterized by a high rate of scaly exfoliation of skin particles over a relatively long time. Simply put, dandruff is a lesion of the scalp, characterized by the formation of small scales on the skin.

To make it clear what dandruff is, you need to say a few words about where it comes from on our head. “White flakes” are just dead cells of the scalp. These cells are updated in 25-30 days imperceptibly to the human eye. Due to various disorders, the cell renewal cycle can be reduced to 7-6 days, during which time the cells do not have time to fully mature and lose water.

As a result, they do not dry out completely, but remain sticky and stick together, flaking off as noticeable white flakes. One of the reasons for the increase in the rate of cell renewal is the increased abundance of the yeast fungus Pityrosporum Ovale, which constantly lives on the surface of the scalp. When the pH of the skin changes, it multiplies intensely and causes an inflammatory response.

Cause of dandruff

There are two main causes of dandruff: skin diseases and fungal infections of the epidermis. Many doctors believe that yeast is the main cause of dandruff. Some argue that dandruff occurs due to disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems. Other experts cite improper hair and scalp care as the main cause of dandruff.

However, most agree that the most common cause of dandruff is a microscopic fungus that lives under the hair on the scalp. Some scientists cite a malfunction of the sebaceous gland as a possible cause of dandruff, as increased production of sebum quickly pollutes the hair. The exact cause of dandruff can only be established by a doctor and dandruff should be treated on time, without waiting for the dandruff to begin to progress.

In the vast majority of cases, a relatively harmless cause of dandruff is a yeast fungus, the so-called Malasesia, which can be found on any head.

Pityrosporum ovale or Malassezia Furfur is a microorganism that is found on the skin of every healthy person and does not manifest itself under normal conditions. But metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins (especially groups B and A), disturbances in the digestive system, nervous strain, climate change, improper hair care, etc. create favorable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of dandruff.

Often the appearance of “white flakes” is a symptom of another skin disease: seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, psoriasis. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose a particular disease, after examining and conducting diagnostic studies. Therefore, if you have problems of this kind, we advise you to consult a doctor. Treatment at an early stage is much easier and more productive.

There are two types of dandruff: dry and oily. It depends on the characteristics of the sebum secretion of the scalp. Dry dandruff creates a powder effect on the hair and crumbles easily. With oily dandruff, dying cells are saturated with sebum and weigh down the hair, causing a lot of inconvenience, increased oiliness of the hair and itching.

How to deal with Dandruff at home

Dandruff can be successfully dealt with on your own. True, if inflammation still occurs on the head, that is, the scalp is reddened, gets wet, covered with crusts or even hair falls out, you should definitely consult a dermatologist.

Effective in self-treatment of dandruff are special dandruff shampoos. They act antimycotic and soothe inflammation.

To prevent recurrences, it is enough to use an anti-dandruff shampoo once a week for six months. Between treatment procedures, the hair should be washed with a regular mild shampoo for daily care. If dandruff reappears, the treatment can be repeated.

Anti-dandruff shampoos contain detergents that free the scalp from dead skin particles, and additives that inhibit the formation of new dandruff. As a rule, in such shampoos there is not even fragrance, so that it is as soft and gentle as possible. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to carefully follow the instructions that are in the insert or contained on the package.

So, for example, some shampoos are active only at the time of shampooing. Therefore, in order to achieve a result, they should be left on the hair for several minutes. There are shampoos that contain active molecules in their composition that remain on the scalp until the next wash, thus ensuring a long-lasting effect of the therapeutic component. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a shampoo, it is better to consult with a specialist. This is perfect for How to overcome dandruff.

Important little things

To wash your hair, use a mild shampoo and always rinse your hair with running water. As a rule, daily shampooing with a suitable shampoo does not harm the hair. But if you have oily hair, you should not wash your hair very often, because washing your hair activates the production of sebum by the glands.

After washing, do not dry your hair with a too hot jet of a hair dryer. Hot air can increase skin irritation. Oily hair is best to air dry.

The sun has a healing effect. In winter, the scalp of patients produces significantly more dandruff than in summer.

A scalp massage is very helpful. Swipe it with your fingertips for 5-10 minutes while washing your hair. This improves the blood supply and nutrition of the hair, and also contributes to a more effective penetration into the roots of the medicinal substances contained in shampoos.

Do not forget that a properly selected comb or massage brush is also of great importance for the prevention of dandruff. Do not choose combs with sharp teeth, it is better to use wooden combs, as well as brushes with natural bristles. And, probably, it is not necessary to remind that they should be individual. Do not use other people’s hats, hair clips.

For prevention, comb your hair for 10 minutes every day before going to bed. This not only improves blood circulation to the scalp, but also regulates fat metabolism. But remember, if dandruff has already appeared, frequent brushing removes sebum from the scalp and spreads throughout the hair. Even if you are bothered by itching on your head, avoid combing and scratching it. This can lead to the formation of small wounds, inflammation and infections of the scalp.

Diet plays an important role in the fight against dandruff. Try to avoid foods such as chocolate, nuts and some seafood during this period, such as shellfish. This is How to overcome dandruff

And remember that the procedure for treating dandruff is very long: from 1 to 2 months. So be patient!

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Fashion & Beauty

Deodorant or Antiperspirant



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Microorganisms that are active on human skin are constantly multiplying, provoking the appearance of unpleasant odors. Just one drop of sweat is enough for bacteria to become active in a warm, humid environment, provoking the appearance of a sharp rejecting odor. Just taking a shower is not enough – the skin needs additional measures to protect against sweat. Deodorants and antiperspirants cope with the task at 100% .

What is a deodorant & fundamental difference from an antiperspirant?

Let’s get it right!

Deodorant is an important and necessary personal hygiene product. The important habit of using special products that protect the body from the appearance of unpleasant odors should become a daily habit.

What is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant? How to choose a personal care product? What ingredients in formulas should be avoided?

Which is better: deodorant or antiperspirant

Antiperspirants and deodorants serve different purposes. The former provide maximum protection against sweat and are especially relevant for intense sweating – due to the physical characteristics of the body, increased stress, sports training.

Deodorants do not block the processes of perspiration, but only eliminate unpleasant odors, which is optimal for the daily rhythm of life.

What is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant? How to choose a personal care product? What ingredients in formulas should be avoided? Details are in the article!

How to choose the right deodorant

When choosing a deodorant, it is important to pay attention to 3 parameters:

The release form of the product is spray or roll.

Composition – make sure that the product formula does not contain aluminum salts, alcohol, parabens, preservatives.

Aroma – it all depends solely on individual taste preferences.

And if we have already figured out the forms of release of antiperspirants, then what composition should a personal hygiene product have?

Modern manufacturers offer different variations of compositions. Do not be lazy to read what is written on the package in small print. As a rule, the composition of a deodorant-antiperspirant includes:

bactericidal substances (chlorhexidine, triclosan, glyceryl), designed to combat the activity and reproduction of bacteria;

components that prevent the processes of intense sweating (for example, zinc salts);

absorbent ingredients (talc, powder) that absorb excess sweat;

care components (natural plant extracts, extracts, oils) that have a calming and softening effect on the dermis;
soothing ingredients (aloe vera, tea tree, cotton extracts, vitamins) that protect the dermis from irritation and promote rapid healing of damage.

Give preference to natural compounds – demonstrating high efficiency in protecting against unpleasant odors, they are completely safe for the skin and the health of the body as a whole.

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Fashion & Beauty

Hyaluronic acid what is it good for / used for?



How to get rid of wrinkles on forehead naturally

What do we know about hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid what is it good for / used for? The ingredient, which is actively used in cosmetology, has a lot of positive effects on the skin and hair. However, do we fully understand how hyaluron molecules “work” and in which case they give the most visible results?

Cosmetic formulas containing hyaluronic acid molecules have a moisturizing, anti-aging and soothing effect. Penetrating deep into the skin cells and hair structure, the component delivers vital moisture to the tissues and forms a moisture-retaining barrier.

What is hyaluronic acid, what is it intended for and what cosmetic formulas contain it?

What is hyaluronic acid

Back in 1934, researchers John Palmer and Karl Mayer managed to isolate a previously unknown substance from a bull’s eye – a polysaccharide that is part of the connective tissues. In an article published by Mayer, the substance was called “hyaluronic acid” (from a combination of the word hyalos – “vitreous” and the phrase “uronic acid”).

Since that time, science, medicine and cosmetology have conducted hundreds of studies, opening up the numerous possibilities of the component. “Summed up” all these studies in a scientific paper published in 2009 in the International Journal. It not only summarized all the conclusions made earlier by scientists from different parts of the world, but also recognized the absolute safety of the ingredient for the human body.

At the beginning, the ingredient was extracted from organisms of animal origin – mainly cockscombs. However, the growing interest in hyaluron molecules and advances in the scientific and technological process have yielded the first results. Within a few decades, scientists managed to develop technologies for the synthesis of substances using bacteria that, under certain conditions, are capable of producing hyaluron.

Despite the name, hyaluronic acid is not an acid in the usual sense. The component does not have exfoliating or dissolving properties, such as, for example, salicylic or glycolic acids.

Hyaluronic acid is not a component foreign to the human body. It is present in most tissues, and its highest concentration is observed in the connective tissue. Due to the large molecular weight, hyaluron retains a significant amount of moisture, many times greater than the size of the molecule. That is why the main function of the substance is the preservation of water in the tissues and the role of “lubricant” for the joints.

Hyaluronic acid is able to attract and retain moisture better than any other component. The acid molecule is a compound of N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid. The substance contains a huge amount of oxygen and hydroxyl groups, which determines its ability to form strong hydrogen bonds. By analogy, hyaluronic acid can easily be called a tiny sponge that retains moisture and acts as a unique moisturizing component for tissues and joints.


But the positive effects of hyaluron do not end with hydration. The ingredient is also recognized as a powerful tool in the fight against age-related changes.

The body of a person weighing about 50 kg contains approximately 10 g of hyaluronic acid. A deficiency of a substance in the body leads to negative consequences, including cosmetic ones (ptosis, dryness and flabbiness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles). That is why beauty products containing hyaluron are so popular among women. Masks , creams , serums , essences , shampoos , conditioners are designed to compensate for the lack of acid.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid

The effects of hyaluron cannot be overestimated. Maintaining the beauty, health and youth of the skin, the ingredient is indispensable at any age.

Hyaluronic acid is found in cosmetic formulas, special additives and dietary supplements , some food products.

All the properties of the acid have not yet been studied – scientists and cosmetologists have to discover many important aspects. However, the popularity of the ingredient is only increasing, which has already given rise to many myths about hyaluron. Shall we try to debunk it?

Myth #1. The large molecular weight of hyaluron does not allow it to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis

This really was the case – until the moment when cosmetologists developed a technique that allows you to “break” the molecules of a substance into smaller parts. Today, low, medium, and high molecular weight acids are used in cosmetic formulas.

High molecular weight acid does not really penetrate into the cells of the dermis, however, it is able to create a moisturizing protective barrier on the surface of the skin. The low molecular weight acid penetrates deep into the tissues, where it reveals all its beneficial properties.

Myth #2: Taking a substance by mouth is not effective.

The component works well as part of dietary supplements and dietary supplements, which was proved by one of the recent studies. Under the close supervision of scientists, a group of volunteers aged 22-60 years old took 120 mg of acid daily for 3 months, which led to a sharp reduction in wrinkles around the eyes in a predominant number of people.

What is hyaluronic acid good for / used for?

  • helps to maintain optimal water balance of the dermis;
  • increases the tone and elasticity of tissues;
  • protects against damage and regenerates cells;
  • reduces the number and depth of wrinkles;
  • Hyaluronic acid has an impact not only on the appearance of the dermis, but also on the body as a whole.

Acid facilitates the work of joints, heals damage and wounds, regenerates, promotes the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin, facilitates the delivery of nutrients to the right points in the body.

One of the main functions of human skin is a barrier. The skin protects our body from the harmful effects of the environment and bacteria attacking daily. Over time, the protective functions of the skin weaken and then UV radiation, toxins, an unhealthy lifestyle and other factors cause irreparable harm to the dermis. The consequences of such damage are wrinkles, the appearance of a feeling of dryness and peeling of the skin.

How safe is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is completely safe – both for external use and when taken orally. This is a hypoallergenic, harmless to the body component, suitable even for long-term use, which is confirmed by numerous tests and studies.

What products contain hyaluronic acid

There are several ways to provide the body with the necessary amount:

Using skin care products . We are talking about creams, serums, essences and other formulas for daily skin care. Cosmetics act softer and slower than, for example, the introduction of an ingredient under the skin by injection, but its constant use provides an effective and lasting result.

Injections that help fill the deficiency of a substance in certain areas of the skin. The principle of the procedure is to introduce the ingredient under the skin in the area with wrinkles, and the effect of its application is noticeable the very next day. The procedure is especially indicated in the presence of wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging of the oval of the face and cheekbones, fuzzy lip contour, changes in the shape of the chin, and facial asymmetry.

Hyaluronic acid, injected under the skin, evens out the relief and contour of problem areas, fills in wrinkles, and restores missing tissue volumes. Injections are carried out with the involvement of painkillers, do not involve a long period of rehabilitation, and the cosmetic effect is immediately noticeable and lasts for 1.5-2 years.

Hyaluronic acid is in Foods

Bone-boiled broth

The main “sources” of natural hyaluronic acid are cartilage, bones and other connective tissues of animal origin. A strong rich broth that cooks for several hours is saturated with useful components – zinc, calcium, potassium, proteins, amino acids and hyaluronic acid.


Aspic “works” by analogy with broth. The bones and connective tissues of animals that underlie the preparation of the dish are maximally saturated with collagen and hyaluronic acid. Eat jelly a little more than once a year at the New Year’s table, because this is an indispensable dish for our skin, joints and bones.


Root crops containing high concentrations of starch and magnesium are actively involved in the processes of the body’s own synthesis of hyaluronic acid. In addition to potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato and other starchy vegetables should also be included in the diet. In addition to activating hyaluron production, these foods are also an invaluable source of vitamins B6, A and C, minerals, amino acids, potassium and fiber.

“Green” products

Green vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of magnesium – a catalyst that is essential for the production of hyaluron in the body. Avocado, broccoli, spinach, lettuce – a real storehouse of beauty and youth. Green foods also support collagen synthesis, reduce inflammation, and help fight age-related changes.

Do you think you are not eating enough of the above foods? Try taking hyaluronic acid in dietary supplements and dietary supplements – this is an extremely effective and completely safe method!

It is not entirely correct to call hyaluronic acid an anti-aging component. It really fights age-related changes, but not due to its own properties, but due to the activation of the production of its own collagen and elastin in the body. The use of shampoos, rinses, masks with hyaluronic acid helps:

  • intensively moisturize the strands, from which they acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance;
  • improve circulation and metabolism in the scalp, which activates hair growth;
  • restore damaged curls after aggressive staining or perm;
  • improve the process of keratin production;
  • partially solve the problem of hair loss.
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