How to Prepare for SAT?

How to Prepare for SAT

How to Prepare for SAT?

American colleges, universities, scholarship funds, and grant programs use SAT scores to gauge how well you are academically prepared and compare your academic achievement to everyone else’s. Therefore, in order to demonstrate to an American university that you are a worthy candidate for admission, it is very important to do well on the SAT. In this article, I will tell you in more detail about this exam, and how to prepare for it in the most effective way.
What to Look for When Preparing for the SAT
How to prepare for the SAT exam
It is very important to pay attention to the fact that since 2016 the format of the SAT exam has completely changed . Be careful when preparing – you need to use only new textbooks released after 2015 for The New SAT. If you are choosing a tutor or SAT courses, make sure you prepare for The New SAT. At the same time, it is very important that the tutor or teacher undergo advanced training for the new format, since the structure of the exam has changed completely. To be on the safe side and make sure that your exam preparation is as efficient as possible and will allow you to pass the exam with the maximum score, sign up for The New SAT preparation with me using the form at the end of this article. Exam preparation classes are held in Moscow or online.
How is the SAT exam and how many stages
So, let’s talk a little about the structure of The New SAT exam and how it differs from the structure of the old SAT exam.

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How to Prepare for SAT

The exam consists of the following parts:
Part 1: Reading, or section for reading
The part lasts 60 minutes and includes 52 reading and understanding questions. Both in the old and in the new version, this part consistently causes the greatest difficulty for foreign applicants in preparing for the SAT, since it is intended for native speakers. This part tests vocabulary, understanding of the text and the ability to analyze it, understand the techniques used in the text, the expressive techniques of the author, means of communication and other literary techniques. Unlike the previous version, the Reading part of the new SAT does not include tasks for inserting compound words into a sentence, which was the subject of the first 5-8 questions of each section of Critical Reading in the old exam. This, indeed, is a reason for the joy of applicants, but all the same, when preparing, one cannot avoid learning huge lists of new English compound words, because now similar tasks are built into the text. The key to success in Reading is the constant increase in vocabulary with complex vocabulary, specially checked in the exam, as well as a huge amount of practice working with texts for a while. In my classes, you will learn about the tactics of working with texts in the Reading section and about methods for increasing vocabulary for the test, which will allow you to pass the section for the maximum score.
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Part 2: Writing and Language Test
The section consists of 44 questions, lasts 35 minutes, and tests knowledge of grammar, syntax and style. The section is not that difficult if you prepare well for it – it tests only 13 rules of English grammar, syntax and style. By learning these 13 rules, you will be able to accurately look for only those errors in each task that you can come across. These rules are not difficult and with enough practice a section can be passed with a good score. The difficulty lies in the fact that, unlike the old version of the SAT, in the new one these tasks are also built into the test, and therefore, to answer the question, you need to read more text to find grammatical inconsistencies. In order to successfully adapt to the new format, you need to practice enough and be aware of the favorite tricks of The New SAT compilers.
Part 3: Math (No Calculator) – math without a calculator
The section lasts 25 minutes and includes 20 questions. This is the easiest section on the exam. Unlike the old version, in The New SAT mathematics is divided into tasks without a calculator and with a calculator, in other words, into easy tasks and more difficult tasks. In the part without a calculator, the simplest mathematical rules of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry are checked. The material does not exceed the level of the 7th grade of the school. The main thing for passing this section is a clear knowledge of what kind of material is being checked from mathematics, the ability to solve problems very quickly (again, a clear knowledge of the rules being checked will help in this) and attentiveness.

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How to Prepare for SAT

Part 4: Math (Calculator) – mathematics with a calculator
The section lasts 55 minutes and includes 38 questions. Not all problems need to be solved with a calculator, it’s just that this section includes more complex problems in which a calculator may be needed. The complexity of the material in mathematics usually does not exceed the curriculum of the 8th grade of a secondary school, however, some topics are not included in the school curriculum at all. It is imperative to prepare for such topics in advance, preferably with a tutor who can explain them most effectively and quickly. I draw your attention to the fact that some topics have been added in mathematics with the transition to a new format, in particular, trigonometry and imaginary numbers. Often, the difficulties in preparation are understanding the task (you need to know mathematical terms in English) and understanding the algorithms for solving typical problems (often students at the beginning solve problems too difficult and for a long time). At a consultation with me, you will learn about what terms you need to learn for the test, what rules of mathematics will be tested, and also what algorithm to solve different types of problems.

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