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ICMP – Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance England UK

ICMP – Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance England UK


At ICMP – Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance, we are always focused on the needs and potential of individual students, ensuring that the education we provide is tailored and personalized, and giving you the best chance of success in the highly competitive and challenging environment of the music industry.

We are very proud of our history and heritage, which is unparalleled in the music education sector. The ICMP was founded in 1986 as the Guitar and Basstech Institute, and was the first institution to provide relevant, practical and professional training for today’s musicians. However, while the name and identity of the ICMP protocol has naturally evolved over time, the focus on student needs has never changed. As a result, ICMP graduates can now be found making successful careers all over the world – playing, performing, and creating or teaching music,

Our teaching faculty, our main asset, is always unrivaled in the UK and indeed anywhere else in the world. Our London location is central to our ability to provide students with an incredible range of opportunities to showcase their talents and build their networks.

ICMP is an independent music education provider. Unlike other schools, we are not obligated to investors who have short term business goals to achieve. Our goal is not just to open more and more centers and enroll more and more students. As a result, we can take a very long-term perspective to develop and improve our position and quality standards to support the career development of a wide range of emerging musicians, creative and music entrepreneurs. With the ICMP protocol, you can be sure that the school always has its own interests at heart.

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We understand that as an aspiring musician, songwriter and music business entrepreneur, you have some tough choices to make as you start out on your career. Our mission is to inspire, encourage and equip our students to excel by providing a relevant and innovative education of the highest quality. And we have over 30 years of experience in providing skills and knowledge and sharing experiences with thousands of students.

Here in the ICMP protocol every student is guided, supported and valued. To enhance the learning experience, we offer a wide range of personalized support, including small class sizes; personal mentors; plug-in sessions; personalized employment and industry advice; unlimited free Wi-Fi; online access to educational materials through a special student portal; direct access to job opportunities and productivity; training support from the Welfare team; connectivity with student representatives; and rehearsal rooms

When you start a career in music, there is no doubt that London is the place to be. It is constantly at the forefront of music, defining popular culture around the world and offering unparalleled opportunities to make the right connections.

We have an unrivaled network of music industry connections and we pride ourselves on the success that ICMP graduates achieve. We are connected to all major record companies, publishers, promoters and management companies operating in London and we make these contacts available to all our students. From day one, we offer a wide range of support and opportunities to our students and alumni, giving you the best possible base to achieve your goals.

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We will invest in the best teaching and learning for our students, with the latest equipment always available. Whichever course you choose to follow, you will find the facilities and equipment you need to achieve your goals, along with inspiring instruction and a personalized approach to your learning. It is important to note that all ICMP students can use our facilities for in-person practice, free of charge, outside of scheduled hours, and we are open seven days a week.

It is vital to us that our students learn from those who can offer them advice based on real life experience. We know for a fact that students are more likely to succeed in their careers when they receive teaching delivered by mentors who have a practical understanding of the music industry. That is why our teachers are not only qualified and experienced teachers and scholars, but also highly qualified professionals, music performers and music business entrepreneurs in their own right.

At ICMP we offer our students a collaborative and nurturing environment, challenging and prompting you to achieve the best that you possibly can. We ensure our students feel like they are part of a community and have opportunities to build relationships and interact with like-minded musicians. We offer you a wide range of activities in which you participate, such as workshops and concerts, excursions and events, clubs and social activities. We also organize house sharing events and wellness activities.

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Our quality and accreditations are unparalleled in the world of contemporary music education. ICMP enjoys great prestige as an experienced and proven provider of higher education; we understand that all aspiring musicians require a serious and experienced partner in order to realize their personal musical goals and ambitions. For 30 years, students have been choosing ICMP as the starting point for their careers – and you can too!

ICMP is a respected and accredited member of the British High Quality Education Community. We are part of a small and select group of providers who can use the Quality Assurance Agency’s ‘UK Quality Assured’ kite mark, providing you with the reassurance that by choosing ICMP you are choosing an institution that has been quality tested in the same way as any other university Great Britain.

ICMP – Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance Degrees / Programs

Let’s take a look some of the degrees offered by the university.

MA in Songwriting
masters (MMU chips) in popular music – guitar, bass, drums, vocals
ba (Hons) creative musicality – guitar, bass, drums, vocals, other instrument
BA (Hons) Creative Music Production
BSc (Hons) Music Business
BA (Hons) Songwriting
SOF (Hons) Popular Music Performance – Guitar, Bass, Drums, Vocals

ICMP – Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance Address:

1B Dyne Rd, London NW6 7XB, UK


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ICMP – Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance Website:

Want to Read or Visit the Official Site Click Here.

ICMP – Institute Of Contemporary Music Performance Admissions:

information will be update soon….

Source: icmp.ac.uk

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