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Mr Chips Chapter 1 Question Answers

Mr Chips Chapter 1 Question


Q.1: Who is the writer of the novel,” Good Bye Mr. Chips”?

Ans.: James Hilton is the writer of the novel” Good Bye Mr. Chips”.



Q.2: What was the real name of Mr. Chips?

Ans.: His real name was Mr. Chipping but his nickname was Mr. Chips.



Q.3: When was Mr. Chips born?

Ans.: Mr. Chips was born in 1848 and was taken to the Great Exhibition as a toddling child.



Q.4: Where did Mr. Chips live after his retirement?

Ans.: After his retirement, Mr. Chips lived at Mrs. Wickett’s just across the road from the Brookfield School. So that he could visit school easily.



Q.5: How did Mr. Chips measure his time when he was living at Mrs. Wickett’s house?

Ans.: When he was living at Mrs. Wicket, Mr. Chips used to measure his time by the signals of the past, just like a sea captain. He used to live his life according to the bells of Brookfield.



Q.6: What did Mr. Chips used to do in his old age?

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Ans.: In his old age, Mr. Chips liked to sit by the fire, drink a cup of tea and listen to the school bells.


Q.7: What did Mr. Chips do before going to bed?

Ans.: Before going to bed, He used to wind up the clock, put the wire guard in front of the fire. Then he turned out the gas and carried a detective novel to bed.



Q.8: Who was Merivale?

Ans.: Merivale was Chips’ doctor and friend. He visited him every fortnight or so. He admired his health and said that he was fitter than the doctor himself and was going to die a natural death.



Q.9: What did he say about Chips’ health?

Ans.: He admired his health and said that he was fitter than the doctor himself and was going to die a natural death.



Q.10: What did Dr. Merivale advises Mrs. Wickett to do when Mr. Chips caught cold?

Ans.: When Mr. Chips caught cold, he advised her to take special care of him as it was too cold.

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Q.11: When and why did he join Brookfield?

Ans.: He joined Brookfield in 1870. Because he disliked the previous school as his discipline was not good there. Moreover, he was ragged there a good deal.



Q.12: Briefly explain his preliminary interview with Mr.Wetherby?

Ans.: He had his first interview with Mr. Wetherby in July, 1870. Wetherby said to him,” You are a young man, Mr. Chipping and Brookfield is an old foundation. Youth and age often combine well. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield and Brookfield will give you something in return.”



Q.13: What advice did Mr. Wetherby give to Mr. Chips?

Ans.: Mr. Wetherby advised him to take a firm attitude from beginning that’s the secret to maintain discipline in the class.



Q.14: Who was the first boy punished by Mr. Chips at Brookfield?

Ans.: Colley, a red haired boy, was the first one punished by Chips at Brookfield. He dropped the desk lid during the first class of Mr. Chips. Chips punished him by giving him hundred lines to write.


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Q.15: What did Mr. Chips say to the son of Mr. Colley?

Ans.: Mr. Chips said,” Your father was the first boy I ever punished, When I came here twenty five years ago. He deserved it then and you deserved it now”.



Q.16: What did Mr. Chips say to the third Colley?

Ans.: He said that he was a fine example of inherited traditions. He said that his grandfather was a stupid fellow. His father was not better either and he was the biggest fool of the lot.



Q.17: What was the fashion adopted by Mr. Chips during his youth days?

Ans.: Mr. Chips was fresh complexioned, high collard and side whiskered young man. This was the old fashion adopted by the people in those days.

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