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Mr Chips Chapter 12 Questions Answers

Mr Chips Chapter 12 Questions


Q.1: When and why did Ralston leave Brookfield?

Ans.: In 1911, Ralston left Brookfield when he was offered the headship of a greater public school.



Q.2: Who succeeded Ralston?

Ans.: Ralston was succeeded by a young man of thirty four, Mr. Chatteris who was an able, hardworking and kind man.



Q.3: When did Chips resign for the first time?

Ans.: Chips resigned in 1913 for the first time when he was sixty five years old. He had bronchitis and was unable to do his job decently.



Q.4: What type of farewell speech was given by Chips?

Ans.: It was not a very long speech but it had many jokes and Latin quotations in it. He also told them that he would remember them always.



Q.5: Where did he reside after retirement?

Ans.: He lived at Mrs. Wickett’s, just across the road, as a paying guest. So that he could visit school whenever he wanted and in a sense could remain a part of it.

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Q.6: What was his routine at home after retirement?

Ans.: He had plenty to do after his retirement. He was the president of the old boys club and went to dinner in London, contributed to the Brookfield terminal magazine. He read the Times and entertained the visitors.

And to master them, and even to choose a strategy of action, to understand whether you need to deal with them or not, you need a theoretical basis. It is a thoughtful approach, forecasting, and not a blind enumeration of options that is not only more productive, but also a characteristic moment inherent in our species. A good theoretical base, a deep understanding of the essence of what is happening and your personal place in the world is one of the few skills that helps us to develop and find our place in this World.

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