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Past Papers of 9th Class Mathematics

Mathematics Past Papers of 9th Class

1- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2013 Mathematics Group I

2- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2013 Mathematics Group II

3- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2014 Mathematics Group I

4- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2014 Mathematics Group II

5- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Mathematics Group I

6- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Mathematics Group II

7- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Mathematics English Medium Group I

8- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2015 Mathematics English Medium Group II

9- Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2016 Mathematics




The arrival of technology in education is a tremendous opportunity. It allows children to learn in a more playful and personalized way, but it is also a chance for teachers to have powerful tools with infinite potential. To get the best out of it, the teacher must obviously remain the one who accompanies and transmits knowledge. Technology does not replace it but, on the contrary, provides it with a wider range of tools to design its teaching. Finally, to make the best use of technology in the world of education, we must ensure that it is supported by the youngest, always favor active use that promotes interaction and make the best use of the immense resources offered by online access. school tablets.

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