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Role of Swallow in Happy Prince

Character Sketch / Role of Swallow


The little swallow plays a very important role in the story. He acts as the agent of charity. He carries gold leaves and precious stones to the poor people who need these things. He does the noble work of rescue and relief. Being a migratory bird the swallow is on his way back home.


The winter is coming, and soon it will be too cold for the swallow to live. But he is a kind-hearted swallow. He stays with the happy prince to help the poor in the city. He knows that this noble job will cost him his life. But he is too kind hearted to leave the noble prince. He stays on till it is too late. The cold kills him.


He dies but his work for a noble cause makes him immortal. The angel of God carries away his dead body as one of the most precious things on earth.

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The role played by the little swallow has a lesson for us. We learn that even a little bird can help the poor and the needy if he gets a chance. Why not human beings? Why not little children? They can also do a lot of good if they try. We also learn that God loves those who do good to others.


The little bird gets an opportunity to do good. He takes pity on the unhappy prince and consents to help him in helping the poor and the needy. He lays down his life for this noble cause. He dies of cold but his noble role makes his name immortal. In the same way we, too, can become immortal by doing good deeds.


For example, it was found that workers in hot shops of metallurgical enterprises are exposed to great stress on the thermoregulatory apparatus, cardiovascular and muscular systems. In open-hearth, converter shops, labor operations are carried out at a sharp temperature drop in winter (from +22, + 24 ° С to -6, -8 ° С), at high temperatures in summer (+45, + 50 ° С), increased speed air movement (2.5-3 m / s), in some cases with intense heat radiation.

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