Which State is Best to Live in USA?

Which State is Best to Live in USA?

Which State is Best to Live in USA?

The first thing those who are going to move to America for permanent residence think about is the place of residence. A lot will depend on which state you choose. They all have different laws, climate conditions, population, cost of living, and even different driver’s license exams.
Among such a variety, it is very difficult to choose the right state, because you want to go to theaters and restaurants in New York at the same time, take a morning jog on the beaches of Malibu and spend cozy evenings in one of the cafes in Boston. So how do you choose a state to live in the US? We have prepared our ranking of the three best American states for life.
Top best states to live in America

Which State is Best to Live in USA?

best us states to live
California is one of the best states in the US to live.
California is one of the best, most colorful and diverse American states. Here you can meet a person from absolutely any corner of the earth. As a rule, ambitious people come here, confident in themselves and looking forward to their success. There are cities in California for any type of activity: IT specialists and programmers live in San Francisco and San Jose, in the same San Francisco and Los Angeles there are a lot of opportunities for artists, musicians and actors, in Sacramento and San Jose there are great private clinics, and San Diego has the best vacation spots and great weather all year round.
California is home to some of the best universities in America. It is here that many go to get a diploma from an American university. Among the most famous universities in the state is Stanford. The state has its own very popular network of public UC universities. Among the most iconic representatives of the chain are UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego.
Real estate and salaries
As one of the best US states to live in, California cannot boast of low real estate prices. Demand here outstrips supply, so houses and apartments are incredibly expensive. Of course, the cost will directly depend on the city and region in which the property will be located. If you want to buy a house by the sea, then get ready to shell out a large amount. At the same time, you will have to look for an option for a long time, since good houses on the coast are rarely sold. Mortgage rates in California are also higher than in any other state. And the average rental of a house will cost $2,500. However, this does not prevent California from being in demand and one of the best US states for life, because the salaries here are appropriate. The average salary ranges from $60,000 to $90,000 per year, depending on the city of residence.

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the best US state for life
Florida is one of the most comfortable states to live in.
Statistics show that more than 6,000 people move to Florida every day. This is not at all surprising, because this is one of the most comfortable and best states for living. Here, taxes are low, rent is relatively inexpensive, and real estate costs several times lower than in California. There is no income tax in Florida, and you can also profitably invest in housing. Now the demand for it is growing. And this means that in the future housing can be profitably sold or rented out. In the largest cities of the state – Orlando, Miami and Tampa – the sector of finance, logistics, real estate and insurance is developed. Miami is one of the most popular resorts in America, and Orlando is home to the largest Disneyland in the states. The diverse infrastructure and warm climate attract many people who want to call Florida their home.
go to university
Florida is considered one of the best states in the US to live, not only because of the warm climate all year round and unique nature reserves. Education here is also one of the best. Especially this state is suitable for those who want to get an education in the field of engineering and technology. But in other specialties, you can also find worthy universities here. Florida universities are notable for their unconventional approach to education. It implements the latest training protocols, develops technologies and conducts research. Among the most prestigious are the University of Florida in Gainesville and the University of Miami in Miami.

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Real estate and salaries
The average cost of a private home in Florida, according to experts, is $241,000. Some mistakenly believe that real estate here is very expensive. But in fact, in Florida you can find decent housing for $150,000 and $10,000,000. For those who agree to live outside the center and do not need hundreds of square meters, the cost of an apartment will not be more expensive than in Moscow. At the same time, the average salary ranges from $60,000 to $80,000 per year, depending on the city of residence.
best state to live in usa
This state can be considered the best for life because it is the economic and industrial center of the United States. New York State is not only the largest US metropolis that never sleeps, but also quieter and more measured towns like Rochester, Albany or Syracuse. By the way, from its northern side, the state overlooks the incredibly picturesque “Great Lakes”, which are a real paradise compared to the noisy and fast “Big Apple”.

In New York, and not only in the city, but also in the state itself, there are some of the best universities and liberal arts colleges in the United States. The undisputed leader of the rankings is Columbia University, which is located in the very center of Manhattan. Others include NYU, Fordham University, Pace University, as well as the Juilliard School for Musicians and the Parsons School for Designers. After graduating from one of these educational institutions, the doors of any company, theater or studio in America are opened to students.

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There are also prestigious universities in the expanses of the state of New York, for example, another Ivy League participant, Cornell University, is located in Ithaca. In Rochester you will find an excellent private university, the University of Rochester in Rochester. and in the towns of Clinton, Poughkeepsie, and Saratoga Springs, the liberal arts colleges Hamilton, Vassar, and Skidmore College.
Real estate and salaries
The cost of real estate in New York is growing every year with a constant progression, which means that such an investment will definitely be profitable. If we consider buying and renting, then, as statistics show, the latter will be much more profitable. Demand for rental housing is always higher than for purchase. On average, renting an apartment can cost you between $1,700 and $3,000, depending on the number of rooms and location. The average salary in New York is somewhere around $79,000 a year, but university graduates typically earn $90,000 or more a year.

When choosing a state to live in the US, you need to start from personal preferences: pay attention to the climate, study the infrastructure, look carefully at career opportunities. If you are going to start your immigration journey by entering a US university, carefully study the educational and funding opportunities in each state.

To compile a competent list of universities for undergraduate admission, sign up for a consultation with Study America teacher, Berkeley California alumnus Krista Wright. Krista has been helping students get into American universities for over 10 years and will be able to find ones that will give you funding.


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