Category: Notes

  • What is Photosynthesis and what Factors Affect it

    Photosynthesis and Factors affect it   Photosynthesis:   It is a Latin word, Photo means light and synthesis mean building up. In this process plants prepare carbohydrates in the presence of carbon dioxide and water. The energy needed in this process is obtained form sunlight. Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll. Oxygen is also given our…

  • What is the Definition of Respiration in Biology

    Definition of Respiration in Biology   The organism requires energy to perform their activities. This energy is obtained by metabolizing the food that they eat. This process is called respiration.   Significance:   The energy is utilized during life activities. No organism can perform these activities without energy. Hence if there is no respiration there…

  • Write a Short Note on Protein

    Short Note on Protein   i) Protein contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and sometimes some amount of sulphur.   ii) A protein molecule is composed of many building block which are linked to form chain.   iii) They form different structure in the body like muscles, bones and skin.   iv) They also present…

  • What is Assimilation of Digested Food

    Assimilation of Digested Food   The products of digestion are finally absorbed through the lining of small intestine into the blood stream and become a part of the cell components this is called assimilation. Blood carries these products to each part of the body. On reaching the cells they produce energy in the form of…

  • Write a Short Note on Carbohydrates

    Short Note on Carbohydrates   i) They contain three element i.e. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.   ii) The simplest carbohydrate is glucose i.e. sugar.   iii) One gram of carbohydrates can provide 3800 calories energy.   iv) Carbohydrates are of three types:   Monosahccarides are simple sugars. Disaccharides are formed by condensation of two Monosahccarides…

  • What does you Mean by Autotrophic and Heterotrophic

    Autotrophic and Heterotrophic   i) Organism which can prepare their own food are called autotrophes e.g. plants.   ii) Organisms which cannot prepare their own food are called heterotrophs e.g. animals and man.   Owners.Owners normally invest in business in order to increase their wealth. The major decision confronting owners and potential owners is whether…

  • What is the Role of Small Intestine in the Digestion of Food Components

    Role of Small Intestine in the Digestion In small intestine Liver and Pancreas play an important role for digestion of food. Role of Liver:   i) Liver is reddish brown organ present just below the diaphragm (under ribs) on right side of body.   ii) Bile contain salts which convert large fat molecules into small…

  • What is the Function of Food

    Function of Food   All organism need food for energy. Food fulfills the needs of organisms in following ways:   i) Food provides substances, which are necessary for growth.   ii) Food produces energy.   iii) Food provides some substances, which are necessary in, synthesize our enzymes.   iv) Food provides some substances, which are…

  • What are the Main Causes of Tooth Decay

    Main Causes of Tooth Decay   Causes:-   i) Main cause is sugar coating left by sugary food in teeth.   ii) These sugars convert into acid by bacteria.   iii) The acid damages the enamel and infects the dentine and pulp cavity.   iv) Sugary solution makes a hard layer with the passage of…

  • What do you Mean by Nutrition

    What do you Mean by Nutrition   The process by which organism obtains food and energy is called nutrition. And the substances needed by organism to obtain energy are called nutrients. They are:   i) Carbohydrates   ii) Protein   iii) Fats, Oil   iv) Vitamins   v) Minerals   vi) Water   Disadvantages: in…