Category: Notes

  • What is the Chemical Composition of Chromosomes

    Chemical Composition of Chromosomes   They are composed of DNA and Protein.   It is important to give the necessary instructions to the child precisely at the initial stages. Since a full interest in new knowledge of a student is easy to lead astray, and he can forever lose his aspiration and motivation. Therefore, the…

  • What is Fluid Mosaic Model in Biology

    What is Fluid Mosaic Model   According to the this model the cell membrane consists of lipid bilayer in which most protein molecules float about while some stay embedded in the membrane.   For young children who have just left kindergarten, their parents and, especially, new teachers are unshakable authorities. Education is largely based on…

  • Describe Venous System of Frog

    Venous System of Frog   Vessels which bring back blood to heart from different parts of body are called veins. Veins join to form venous system. This system consists of following veins:   Pulmonary Veins:   These bring blood from lungs. They carry oxygenated blood.   Right & Left Precavals:   Each precaval is formed…

  • Describe Arterial System of Frog

    Arterial System of Frog   Vessels carrying blood away from heart are called arteries. Arteries join to form arterial system. It has following main branches. Each main branch further divides into three branches.   Carotid Arch:   It supplies blood lower jaw, tongue, eye and brain etc.   Pulmocutaneous Arch:   It carries blood to…

  • Internal Structure of Frog’s Heart

    Internal Structure of Frog’s Heart   Heart of frog is three-chambered muscular organ.   It works like a pump, contracting and relaxing.   iii. It is enclosed in a membrane called pericardium, which protect it.   The chambers of heart are Right Atrium, Left Atrium and Ventricle.   Anterior part consists of two thin walled…

  • Digestive System of Frog Parts and Functions

    Digestive System of Frog Parts and Functions   The digestive system of frog consists of following things:   Buccule cavity   Pharynx   Stomach   Pancreas & Liver   Intestine   Cloacal aperture or Rectum       Buccule Cavity:   i) Mouth is present between upper and lower jaws.   ii) Teeth are of…

  • Parts of Brassica Campestris

    Parts of Brassica Campestris   Flower is reproductive part of plant. It has following parts:   Calyx:   This is the outermost whorl. It consists of four free sepals. They are green in colour. With the passage of time they become yellow. Their function is to protect the inner parts of flower.   Corolla:  …

  • Write a Note on Internal Structure of Leaf

    Note on Internal Structure of Leaf   A) Anatomy:   Epidermis is present in upper and lower structure of leaf. Upper parts are the cells that have no inter cellular space. Lower parts contain stomata. Stomata are the combination of two guard cells. Their function is absorption of useful materials and excretion of water materials.…

  • Write the Internal Structure of Stem

    Internal Structure of Stem   A) Morphology:   Stem is present above the ground and it is mostly green. It arises from plumule of the seed. Stem always moves towards light therefore it is called phototrophic.   i) Node is a place where leave arises. Its function is to provide support to plant. It also…

  • Internal Structure of Brassica Root

    Internal Structure of Brassica Root   A) Morphology:   It is an underground part of plant. It arises from radical of seed. It has following types:-   i) The root which arises from radical of seed is called primary root.   ii) The root which arises from primary root is called secondary root.   iii)…