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What are the Best Universities in Canada?

What are the Best Universities in Canada?

Diplomas of Canadian universities are quoted all over the world, and in the ranking of states with the best education, the maple leaf country is second only to the United States and Great Britain. However, an American or English education will cost a foreigner significantly more than obtaining a diploma from a Canadian university – the cost of studying and living in this country is significantly lower than in the United States or the United Kingdom and is considered one of the most affordable among English-speaking countries.

What are the Best Universities in Canada?

How much does it cost to study at a university in Canada

Canadian universities

On average, one year of study at Canadian universities for undergraduate and graduate programs costs foreigners 13.2 thousand USD. The degree takes 4 years, in the province of Quebec – a year less. The chosen specialty affects the price.

The cheapest way to get a diploma in the field:

social sciences;
natural sciences.
The most expensive specialties are:

The diploma of a dentist and a veterinarian is the most expensive for foreigners. For one year of study, you have to pay 40-42 thousand USD.

The price is also affected by the geographical location of the university – in Canada, the cost of studying in different provinces varies significantly. The most expensive is to obtain a diploma in the provinces of British Columbia and Ontario. The most affordable education in the provinces of Newfoundland and Quebec. However, prices for living in Quebec are among the highest.

The cost of living in big cities is higher than in small ones. At the same time, the quality of teaching is approximately the same everywhere. Citizens of other countries who have received Canadian student visas, after 6 months of stay in the country, are entitled to work. The working week should not exceed 20 hours.
go to university

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Scholarships for citizens of other states

Universities of Canada are attractive for students by the opportunity to receive scholarships. In most universities, students with a high level of academic performance and extracurricular activity can count on receiving scholarships. There are also programs that provide scholarships to foreigners in need of financial support. In particular, students of Brandon University who are studying for undergraduate and graduate programs can be given a discount on tuition fees in the amount of 1.7 thousand USD under the Boom and Ellie Cristall Bursary program. Orphans, older students and other persons who for one reason or another need financial assistance can take advantage of this opportunity.

Best Universities in Canada

There are more than 30 higher educational institutions in the country, which consistently fall into the rankings of the best educational institutions in the world. According to the current year, the Top 5 universities in Canada include:

University of Toronto

canada university education

Founded in 1827, the educational institution is considered the highest ranking Canadian university. Every year, over 70 thousand people become students of UofT, 10% of whom are foreigners.

The university structure includes:

17 faculties;
13 clinical hospitals.

UofT allows you to get almost any specialty, offering over 700 programs of various levels of study. For admission from foreign applicants, high academic performance and good knowledge of English (TOEFL at least 100 points or IELTS at least 6.5) are required. For citizens of other states seeking to increase their chances of admission, special one-year preparatory courses have been created.
McGill University
The oldest educational institution in the country, founded in 1829 in Montreal, has 12 faculties, which provide training in 300 programs. The Faculty of Medicine is the most prestigious – in terms of medical training, McGill University is the best university in Canada and ranks 24th in the world.

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Only applicants with good grades can count on admission – the average score of McGill University students is the largest in the country.

Representatives of 150 states study at McGill University – every fourth student is a foreigner. The educational institution has acquired an international status thanks to a developed scientific base that attracts applicants from all over the world. During their studies, students have access to a paid internship, which greatly simplifies the employment process in the future.
University of British Columbia
best universities in canada
The educational institution includes:

16 faculties;
18 schools;
2 colleges.

Geographically, the educational institution is located in two cities – Okanagan and Vancouver. It also has its own ski base, located in one of the local resorts.

Undergraduate and graduate programs cover all areas of knowledge. The strongest areas of UBC are ecology, biology, geography and mining. Also, the educational institution offers exclusive specialties in the field of forestry.

20% of students are foreign citizens. Among the main advantages of the educational institution is the co-or program, which allows you to practice in leading Canadian corporations.
Universit e de Montré al _
UdeM is considered one of the largest educational institutions in the world where teaching is conducted in French. UdeM has a strong research base and annually receives large research grants. UdeM is known for research in the field of biotechnology and medicine, including in the field of cancer treatment. The university is also famous for scientific developments in astronautics.

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Applicants are offered over 650 programs of various levels of education.

The UdeM structure includes:

16 faculties;
2 affiliated schools.

About 70 thousand people study at UdeM, of which 10 thousand come from other countries.
University of Alberta
UofA allows you to study in English and French. 36,000 people receive education at the university, of which 7,000 are visitors. There are 300 undergraduate programs and 200 postgraduate programs to choose from.

The UofA structure includes:

15 faculties;
2 colleges.

The educational institution is famous for its sports disciplines – according to this indicator, UofA is in the top 10 educational institutions in the world. UofA is also known for its high quality teaching in Mining Engineering and Nursing.

UofA provides material assistance to almost everyone in need, including foreigners.
Features of Canada: university education and pitfalls
Universities in Canada are attractive for applicants due to the low cost of education and living. However, despite the quality education that can be obtained at a Canadian university, the country of the maple leaf has its own specifics. A Canadian diploma is prestigious only in the local labor market. Therefore, if an applicant sets himself the goal of obtaining an education that employers around the world will appreciate, he should enter American educational institutions.

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