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BA BSc & B com Complete Notes Guess Papers & Past Papers

BA BSc & B com Notes Guess Papers & Past Papers

BA B com Complete Notes

1- BA English Short Stories Notes

2- BA English One Act Play Notes

3- BA English The Old Man and Sea Notes

4- BA English Poems Notes

5- BA English Important Questions

6- Pak Study Notes for All Classes

7- English B One Essay for Many Topics

8- BA Subject List for Private Candidates

9- BSc Statistics Notes Punjab University

B Com Complete Notes

1- Money Banking and Finance Notes

2- Financial Accounting Notes

3- Business Taxation Notes

4- Easy Economics Notes

BA B com Complete Guess Papers


1- B.A B.Com BSc Pak Study Guess Paper 2020

2- B Com Auditing Guess Paper 2020 All Punjab Boards

3- B com Business Communications Guess Paper 2020

4- Business Law B.Com Part 2 Guess Paper 2020

5- B.Com Part 1 Computer Guess Paper 2020 All Punjab Boards

6- Economics B.Com Part 1 Guess Paper 2020

7- Introduction to Business B.Com Part 1 Guess Papers 2020

8- Management B.Com Part 2 Guess Paper 2020

9- Computer Application in Business B.Com Guess Paper 2020

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10- Money Banking and Finance B.Com Part 1 Guess Paper 2020

11- Advance Financial Accounting Guess Paper for B.Com 2020

12- Economics Guess Paper 2020 for BA BSc & B.Com

13- Business Communication and Report Writing Guess Paper 2020

14- Cost Accounting B.Com Part 2 Guess Paper 2020

15- Business Management Guess Paper 2020

16- BA Journalism Guess Paper 2020 All Punjab Boards

17- BA English Guess Paper 2020 All Punjab Boards

18- BA Persian Optional Guess Paper 2020 All Punjab Boards

19- Pak Study English Medium Guess Paper for BA BSc & B.Com 2020

20- BSc Chromatographic Guess Paper 2020

21- BSC Spectroscopy Guess Paper 2020

22- BSC Surface Chemistry and Colloids Guess Paper 2020

23- Most Important Questions for Electrochemistry

24- Important Questions of Chapter Manufacturing Industries

25- Important Questions of Chapter Metallurgical Operations

26- BA BSc Ethics Guess Paper 2020

27- BA Sociology Guess Paper 2020

BA B com Complete Past Papers

Education is most necessary to survive in this world & this is also the fact that’s not an easy job to give half life to just education. Apart from, to get success in this competitive world is also not an easy job. Anyways, we are sharing educational data for our students which are basically not our future but our country’s future in coming developed age. Educational Data includes Books, Guess Papers, Past Papers and in form of Notes which is compiled by PK Planet in 3 Years.

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BA Notes, BA Poems, BA Short Stories, BA Guess Papers, BA Past Papers, BSC Guess Papers, BSC Past Papers, BSC Notes, B com Guess Papers, B com Past Papers, B com Notes..

The distance form of education will be most useful only for one category of students – these are 11th graders. In fact, all year long these children are actively engaged in preparing for the Unified State Examination in the selected subjects, and the rest of the subjects are studied at least “for show”. These kids are highly motivated. The remote format will allow them to save time, focus on selected subjects. Also, the distance format will minimize, if not completely eliminate situations where there are children in the lessons who are not interested in learning and prevent others from gaining knowledge.

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I don’t see any difficulties for studying at universities in a distance format, except that teachers themselves may not be ready for such a format of classes. Conducting lectures remotely for people who have consciously chosen their future profession will not be any significant disadvantage of training. In full-time format, only practical exercises that require direct performance of work using machinery and equipment should be retained. The effectiveness of the learning process as well as the motivation of young people to gain knowledge will be appreciated at the session, and if the student is not sufficiently organized and motivated to study and cannot pass the session when studying remotely, then perhaps he should not have received higher education .

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