10th Class Biology Notes & Questions and Answers in English

10th Class Biology Notes


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1- What are the Characteristics of Plants

2- What are the General Characteristics of Bryophytes

3- What is Alternation of Generation in Biology

4- What are the Basic Characteristics of Funaria

5- Why Bryophytes are called Amphibians of Plant Kingdom

6- What is Biology Definition in English

7- What are the Branches of Biology and their Definition

8- What is the relation of Biology with other Sciences

9- What is Biological Method of Study

10- Which form of Hypothesis is called a Theory

11- What is Control Experiment in Biology

12- Malaria Definition Biology

13- How does Plasmodium enter the Body of a Mosquito

14- What are the Symptoms of Malaria

15- Impact of Biological Studies on Human Welfare

16- Describe Abiogenesis and Biogenesis

17- Abiogenesis Proven Wrong

18- How is the Metabolism related to Growth

19- What is the Relationship between Metabolism and Response

20- What are Autotrophs in Biology

21- What is a Cell and Define the Cell Theory

22- What is Electron Microscope and How does it work

23- What is Cell Wall and its Function

24- What is Cell Membrane and its Function

25- What is Difference Between Cell Membrane and Cell Wall

26- What is Nucleus in Cell Biology

27- What are Chromosomes give its 2 Components

28- What is the Definition of Cytoplasm in Biology

29- Short Note on Mitochondria for Class 9

30- Note on Golgi Bodies and Golgi Complex

31- What is Endoplasmic Reticulum and its Function

32- What are Ribosomes and its Function

33- What are Plasmids and what do they do

34- What are Centrioles and their Function

35- What is Vacuole and its Function

36- Difference Between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

37- What is Cell Cycle in Biology

38- Write a Short Note on Amoeba

39- Write a Note on Mitosis

40- Write a Note on Meiosis

41- Mitosis and Meiosis Comparison

42- Why Cell Division is Necessary

43- Study of External Morphology of Mustard Plant

44- Internal Structure of Brassica Root

45- Write the Internal Structure of Stem

46- Write a Note on Internal Structure of Leaf

47- Parts of Brassica Campestris

48- Digestive System of Frog Parts and Functions

49- Internal Structure of Frog’s Heart

50- Describe Arterial System of Frog

51- Describe Venous System of Frog

52- What is Fluid Mosaic Model in Biology

53- What is the Chemical Composition of Chromosomes

54- What is Selectively Permeable Membrane in Biology

55- What is Hibernation in Frog

56- What is Classification and its Importance in Biology

57- Difference between Homologous Organs and Analogous Organs

58- What is Evolutionary Taxonomy in Biology

59- Give the Unit of Classification

60- Biological Classification of Mustard Plant

61- What are the Kingdoms of Living Things

62- Classification of Human Being from Kingdom to Specie

63- What is the Definition of Binomial Nomenclature in Biology

64- What is Darwin’s theory of Common Descent

65- What is Homology in Biology

66- What is Analogy in Biology

67- What is the Basic Unit of Classification

68- What is the Definition of Species in Biology

69- What are Microorganisms Biology

70- What are Viruses & its Types in Biology

71- What are Bacteria and how are they Classified

72- What are the Advantages of Bacteria

73- What are some Harmful Effects of Bacteria

74- What is Cyanobacteria Blue Green Algae

75- In which Kingdom does Bacteria & Cyanobacteria Belong

76- What is Nucleoid in Biology

77- What are Chemosynthetic Bacteria

78- What is the Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria

79- What are Endospores in Bacteria

80- What are Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria

81- What are Nitrifying Bacteria

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82- What are Denitrifying Bacteria

83- What are Heterocysts

84- Which Pigments are found in Cyanobacteria

85- Why Cyanobacteria is called Blue Green Algae

86- What is Mutualism in Biology

87- What are Lichens and Mycorrhizae

88- A Short Note on Fungi

89- A Short Note on Rhizopus

90- Write a short Note on Mushroom

91- What are Toadstools

92- What is Fungus Garden

93- Importance and Uses of Fungi

94- Harmful effects of Fungi

95- Write the General Characteristics of Algae

96- Write a Short Note on Chlamydomonas

97- Write Short Note on Spirogyra

98- What are the Uses of Algae

99- What are the Harmful effects of Algae

100- What are the General Characteristics of Pteridophytes

101- What is the Structure of Ferns

102- What are the Characteristics of Gymnosperms

103- Write Short Note on Pinus

104- What is the importance of Gymnosperms

105- What are the Characteristics of Angiosperms

106- What are the Classes of Angiosperms

107- What are Roots and their Function in Angiosperms

108- Structure and Types of Stems in Angiosperm

109- What are the importance of Angiosperms

110- What are the different Types of Leaves

111- What are the Modification of Leaves

112- What is the Definition of Inflorescence

113- What are Megasporrophylls

114- What are Invertebrates and their Groups

115- What are Characteristics of Protozoa

116- Write a Short Note on Paramecium

117- What are the Main Characteristics of Phylum Porifera

118- What are the Main Characteristics of Phylum Coelenterata

119- Write a Short Note on Hydra

120- What are Coral Reefs

121- Write a Short Note on JellyFish

122- What are Characteristics of Phylum Platyhelminthes

123- Write a Short Note on Liver Fluke

124- Write a Short Note on Tapeworm

125- What are the Characteristics of Phylum Nematoda

126- Write a Short Note on Ascaris

127- What are the Characteristics of Phylum Annelida

128- Write a Short Note on Earthworm

129- What are the Characteristics of Phylum Mollusca

130- Write a Short Note on Snail

131- What are the Characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda

132- What is the definition of Metamorphosis

133- What are the Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata

134- Write a Short Note on Starfish

135- What are Chordates and their Characteristics

136- What are the Characteristics of Vertebrates

137- What are the Characteristics of Pisces

138- What are the Characteristics of Class Amphibia

139- What are the Characteristics of Class Reptilia

140- What are the Characteristics of Class Aves

141- What are the Characteristics of Class Mammalia

142- What are the Characteristics of Egg Laying Mammals

143- What are the Characteristics of Pouched Mammals

144- What are the Characteristics of Placental Mammals

145- What are the Groups of Placental Mammals

146- Write a Short Note on Flora

147- Write a Short Note on Fauna

148- What do you Mean by Nutrition

149- What is the Function of Food

150- What does you Mean by Autotrophic and Heterotrophic

151- Write a Short Note on Carbohydrates

152- Write a Short Note on Protein

153- What is Photosynthesis and what Factors Affect it

154- What is the Difference between Light and Dark Reaction in Photosynthesis

155- Prove that Oxygen is Released during Photosynthesis

156- How can you Prove that Light is Necessary for Photosynthesis

157- Prove that Chlorophyll is Essential for Photosynthesis

158- How do Plants get Minerals

159- What are the types of Chemical Fertilizers

160- What are the different Modes of Nutrition in Plants

161- What are the different Modes of Nutrition in Animals

162- What are the Different Methods of Preserving Food

163- Write a Short Note on Balanced Diet

164- What are the Main Causes of Tooth Decay

165- What is the Role of Small Intestine in the Digestion of Food Components

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166- What is Assimilation of Digested Food

167- What is the Definition of Respiration in Biology

168- What is ATP and its main Function

169- Write Short Note on Aerobic Respiration

170- What type of Energy is Released During Respiration

171- Difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

172- Is Carbon Dioxide Released in Aerobic Respiration

173- What is the Importance of Anaerobic Respiration

174- What do you Mean by Oxygen Debt

175- Describe the Process of Respiration in Plants

176- What is the Relation between Respiration and Photosynthesis

177- Why Gaseous Exchange is Important in Living Organisms

178- Short Note on Exchange of Gases in Aquatic Animals

179- Short Note on Exchange of Gases in Terrestrial Animals

180- Describe the Structure of Human Respiratory System

181- Describe the Mechanism of Breathing

182- Explain Exchange of Gases in the Lungs

183- Describe the Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Blood

184- Describe the Effects of Exercise on Breathing

185- What are the Respiratory Diseases Caused by Smoking

186- What is the Main Function of the Transport System of the Human Body

187- What is the Importance of Water for Living Organisms

188- Transport Materials through the Cell

189- Describe the Importance of Transport System in Biology

190- How Does Transport of Water and Minerals Take Place in Plants

191- What is Transpiration and its Importance

192- What is Translocation in Biology

193- What is Mass Flow Hypothesis

194- What is Circulatory System in Animals and its Importance

195- Explain the Functions of the Human Circulatory System

196- What is Tissue Fluid and How is it Formed

197- Write a Short Note on Lymphatic System

198- Write Short Note on Heart Attack

199- Write Short Note on Blood Transfusion

200- Write Short Note on Blood Group

201- Write Short Note on Haemophilia

202- Write Short Note on Anaemia

203- How Active Transport is Different from Diffusion

204- What is the Difference Between Plasma and Serum

205- Why the Left Ventricle has Stronger Wall in Human Heart

206- What is Metabolism and its Types

207- What is the Definition if Excretion in Biology

208- Why Excretion of Body Waste is Important

209- Explain How Excretion Takes Place in Plants

210- What is the Difference Between Transpiration and Guttation

211- What are the Major Metabolic Waste in Animals

212- How is Nitrogenous Waste Removed from the Body

213- Describe the Excretion in Amoeba

214- Describe the Excretion in Planaria

215- Describe the Mechanism of Excretion in Earthworm

216- Describe the Excretion in Cockroaches

217- Name of Excretory Products and Organs of Vertebrates

218- Describe the Structure of Human Kidney

219- Describe the Structure of Nephron

220- What are the Roles of Kidney in the Human Body

221- What is Kidney Failure and How is it Treated

222- What is the Definition of Dialysis

223- What is Locomotion and What are its Uses

224- Define the Terms Stimulus and Response

225- What are the Different Types of Movements in Plants

226- What is the Importance of Tropic Movements in Plants

227- What are Auxins and What Do They Do

228- Describe the Locomotion of Volvox and Euglena

229- Describe locomotion in Amoeba and Paramecium

230- What are the Parts of Human Skeleton

231- Function of Skeleton in Support and Movement

232- Definition the Term Tendon and Ligament

233- Definition of Flexor Extensor

234- What are Joints and its Types

235- How are Muscles Attached to the Skeleton

236- What is Osteoporosis

237- What is Rheumatoid Arthritis

238- What are the Components of Nervous System

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239- Write Short Note on Peripheral Nervous System

240- Describe the Structure and Function of Human Eye

241- Common Defects of Human Eyes

242- Write a Short Note on Human Ear

243- What is Membranous Labyrinth

244- What are the Different Types of Glands in our Body

245- Functions of Endocrine Glands and their Disorders

246- What Do You Mean by Exocrine Glands

247- What Does You Mean by Islets Of Langerhans

248- What Are Some Effects of Drugs on the Nervous System

249- What is Meant by the Term Carcinogenic

250- Short Note on Disorder of Nervous System

251- Chemical Control in Plants

252- What is Reproduction and its Importance

253- What are the Two Types of Reproduction

254- Describe the Process of Asexual Reproduction in Bacteria

255- What is the Asexual Method of Reproduction in Yeasts

256- Name the Asexual Method of Reproduction In Rhizopus

257- Natural Methods of Vegetative Propagation in Flowering Plants

258- Artificial Methods of Vegetative Propagation in Plants

259- Advantages and Disadvantages of Vegetative Propagation in Plants

260- What is Pollination and its Types

261- Difference Between Wind Pollinated Flower Insect Pollinated and Water Pollinated Flower

262- The Importance of Pollination in Agriculture

263- Write Short Notes on Double Fertilization In Plants

264- How are Seeds and Fruits Formed in a Plant

265- Why is it Necessary for Plants to Disperse their Seeds

266- What are the Different Agents of Seed and Fruits Dispersal

267- Describe the Structure of a Seed

268- What is the Process of Seed Germination

269- What Conditions are Necessary for Seeds to Germinate

270- Define the Term Embryo Embryology and Foetus

271- What are the Different Methods of Asexual Reproduction in Animals

272- What are the Different Methods of Sexual Reproduction in Animals

273- Write a Short Note on Fertilization of Frog

274- What is Evolution in Biology

275- What are Hereditary and Non Hereditary Characteristics


Unfortunately, methodological considerations are hampered by the fact that:
– There are usually several agents/actors involved in a situation.
– Each agent has intentions invisible to other people in the project.
— Each agent participates in several projects, and an agent’s gain in one project may lead to a loss in another project, and the agent will engage in entrepreneurship, increasing his overall gain or even not his own. That is, an agent can perform many roles, including in different roles, and in one project, some of them may conflict.
— Each agent builds an invisible to other people in the project strategy for engaging roles in different projects and develops an action plan invisible to other people in the project. If an agent sees that his strategy is not being implemented, then he, unexpectedly for the rest, can change this strategy and change plans, including this may mean that he will play completely different roles with other important characteristics!
— Each role can have a set of important characteristics/interests that it considers, with preferences/interests in them.
— What we haven’t touched on yet is that agents then execute plans (produce work) in ways/practices that are well known to their roles. And here the agent can be twice incompetent, that is, twice not a master: 1. in his role, he can play it ineptly or even not know at all, and 2. have a poor command of the intelligence stack, think badly, that is, make irrational and inadequate decisions when faced with any situation that he had not encountered before.
– Also, agents have the authority to dispose of their own and other people’s labor and equipment (roughly speaking, there are positions in the organization).

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